About Sabrina

Sabrina Goodman is a behavior specialist originally from Baltimore City. These days, in Charlotte, NC, Sabrina is steadily moving toward her career in behavior analysis from a background in the medical field. Sabrina identifies as an African American lesbian, with an eclectic spirit. She possesses a keen ability to empathize with others, and she is somehow the quietest extravert you will ever meet. Sabrina serves as a close advisor in NCBC, providing input on accessibility, social validity, and cultural perspectives (black woman, American south, dynamic family structure, LGBTQ+ community, city life, …). She is a consultant on NCBC’s diversity, equity, and inclusion team.

Personally, Sabrina enjoys exploring the neighborhood, spoiling her dog, Mason, traveling, and adventuring.

Professionally, Sabrina is interested in behavioral skills training for other providers in the field, organizational behavior management, and natural environment teaching.

Sabrina runs SLG Project in Charlotte, NC, offering coaching and support with morning routines , communication styles, chores/ home routines, community outings, daily living skills, social planning, and job planning.

Sabrina Goodman, RBT

Charlotte, NC

Phone: (443) 848-1919, Email: sabrina-goodman@outlook.com